1. My current income stream is:
2. My attitude towards money can best be described as:
3. I keep my financial commitments:
4. When someone pays me for a job:
5. Earning money is:
6. Becoming wealthy:
7. My savings and assets:
8. The amount of debt I have currently is:
9. I am ________ with my current financial situation:
10. Budgeting is:
11. I generally have:
12. I am currently living in:
13. I deserve to have:
14. I depend on others for:
15. Investing typically brings me:
16. I am in control of my financial situation:
17. The quality of the work I perform is:
18. The money exchange I have with others is:
19. How easy is it for me to be successful?
20. What is my current credit score?
21. What is the next level up from what I am currently earning?
22. If and when lots of money is received,
23. How organized am I when it comes to managing the flow of money and money generating activities?
24. Am I good enough to have lots of money and be successful?
25. How is my self worth tied to the amount of money I make?